
Delivering your ROI in less than 90 days

Unlock Efficiency, Control Costs, and Drive Success.
Dispatch API in use

Fleet Dispatching & Messaging System

There are few technologies that provide such a cost effective way to improve your fleet operation as a simple fleet dispatching service being added an existing GPS tracking and telematics system. Cell phones run $30+ per month per line where a dispatching service is 60%+ less. By being able to send the next job location to the driver, iOS or Android device will route the driver right to the stop. This eliminates the excuses, and wages, of why a driver was late because the address could not be found.

Fleet Dispatching Route Summary

Increase Driver Productivity by 20%

With the ability to dispatch directly from the application to in-vehicle Garmin units, your fleet management system becomes even more effective.

  • Improve Driver Productivity
  • Automate Business Processes
  • Increase Customer Satisfaction
Fleet Dispatching Map
wireless dispatching

Dispatch on the Fly

Dispatching to a location is as easy as creating a zone in the map, clicking on the zone, and selecting “Dispatch vehicle here.” Fast dispatching means a quick response, which means happy customers

Send Routes to Mobile Devices

Sending a single address to a vehicle is one thing, but the GO Series fleet management system also allows you to send entire routes to your driver’s mobile device as well, so you don’t have to send each address individually. This can also be done using integrated partner apps like Route4Me for even more functionality.

Route Optimization: Track Route Progress, Take Pictures, Add Videos, Notes, and More

Start saving today! Contact us or call 855.300.0527