Getting More From Your Data with Data Integration
In today’s data-driven environment, having access to data from various systems is critical. When data is consolidated the value becomes greater than the sum of the individual data sources.
Fleetistics aggregates data from many different sources to enable customers to do more with the data being collected. This might include data from multiple GPS systems, from a fuel card, cell phone provider, routing application and fleet maintenance software.
APIs are one aspect of moving data between sources across the Internet. APIs use industry standard routines, protocols and methods which are familiar to all data integration developers.
Fleetistics can use APIs to receive information enabling Fleetistics to conduct custom data integration or visualizations. We can also provide standard APIs or custom write APIs for custom needs. The key is the flexibility to manage any data, any time from any source.
An SDK is a set of software development tools used to create software and applications. For GPS tracking customers who have the software development skills, this is a great benefit. For those that want to be sure they never run out of options dealing with data, the SDK provides assurances.
The SDK is available with select products only.