Predictive risk analytics are a game-changer for improving road safety and helping both drivers and insurers assess and mitigate potential risks.
How Bluetooth Technology Enhances Telematics
This article delves into the current trends and potential future developments in integrating this technology with telematics. It aims to provide insights into how these advancements can improve fleet asset management and tracking across various industries.
Leveraging GPS Data Pays Off!
Power users leverage GPS data to provide every department with valuable operational data to do their jobs better, encourage safer driving, and save money.
Return on Investment Series: Fleet Savings Summary
The Crucial Role of Ongoing Education in Fleet Management. Stay ahead with the latest tech, navigate regulations, and prioritize safety.
Weather Impacts Logistics
Driving into a storm around Chicago means excessive delays, higher costs, and missed delivery windows. Good weather data helps dispatchers, drivers and planners avoid these issues in real-time and in the near future.
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