Driver Training Course

Free driver training content for fleet managers to improve fleet safety.
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Driver Meeting Content

Finding the time to create interesting meeting content that is meaningful for drivers is a huge challenge for many fleet managers. In an effort to engage drivers that likely dread these meetings, and as a service to the fleet industry, Fleetistics is introducing a free driver training course with 12 meeting agendas prepared, to cover a full year of monthly driver meetings. 

Regularly held driver meetings foster camaraderie and create a culture of fleet safety and operational awareness. Driver meetings give supervisors and managers an opportunity to share announcements, timely information, as well as giving drivers a chance to share concerns and solutions.

Having a regular meeting challenge and a reward, or recognition, for achieving that challenge makes meetings more fun and just a little competitive. Meet as frequently as makes sense in your industry, and always have fresh content available for group discussions.

Creative Commons Copyright

Fleetistics Driver Training Course by Iler Group, Inc. DBA Fleetistics is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0

How to use this series

Leaders Guide

Description: Contains a sample of the meeting powerpoint format with instructions to guide the leader through the structure of the lessons. The leader’s job is to keep the conversation flowing, to engage the group, and to encourage sharing and learning from each other.

Top 12 – Ideal for Businesses that Hold Monthly Driver Meetings

Defensive Driving

Description: Gain a deeper understanding of how to stay safe and mitigate costs associated with motor vehicle accidents.

For the Manager:

VideoCreating Rules & Alerts

Distracted Driving

Description: Steps to avoid distracted driving

Click to Access Meeting Video on YouTube

For the Manager:

VideoFleetistics DriveTRAX

Pre & Post Trip Inspections

Description: How to Conduct a Thorough Inspection Before and After Driving

Click to Access Meeting Video on YouTube

For the Manager:

VideoDVIR Reporting

Speed Management

Description: Understand how excessive speed contributes to collisions

Click to Access Meeting Video on YouTube

For the Manager:

VideoRisk Management, Speed Profiles

driving in hazardous conditions

Description: Increase awareness of when and how to adjust your driving to changing conditions

For the Manager:

VideoFleet Preparation for Inclement Weather

Driver Wellness

Description: How to spot the signs of compromised driver wellness.

Click to Access Meeting Video on YouTube

For the Manager:

VideoSafely Coupling Trailers

Driver Scoring

Description: Understanding & Improving Driver Scores

Click to Access Meeting Video on YouTube

For the Manager:

VideoSafety Reports

Emergency Procedures

Description: Avoiding Things that Can Go Wrong In an Emergency

Click to Access Meeting Video on YouTube

For the Manager:

VideoFleet Operators Multitool

Fuel Management

Description: Ways to reduce Fuel consumption and CO2 emmissions

Click to Access Meeting Video on YouTube

For the Manager:

VideoMore Control with Coast Fleet Fuel Card

GPS Tracking & Dashcam Benefits to Drivers

Description: Technology is your Friend

Click to Access Meeting Video on YouTube

For the Manager:

VideoIntroducing Telematics to Employees

Vehicle Maintenance

Description: The driver’s role in vehicle maintenance

Click to Access Meeting Video on YouTube

For the Manager:

VideoMaintenance Records

Accident Management

Description: Know what to do in the event of an accident

Click to Access Meeting Video on YouTube

For the Manager:

VideoTracking Data Prevents Lawsuits