The Project

Some time back, Fleetistics worked closely with researchers from the University of Arizona on a risk management project. Our role was assisting in the selection and deployment of GPS/telematics devices. The project team installed the devices in a variety of emergency service vehicles. The project goal was to address the leading cause of death in the US fire service. For that reason, the project lead was an Epidemiologist.

Everyone can imagine the obvious dangers firefighters face on the job. In contrast, it is surprising to learn that the leading cause of workplace death has nothing to do with fighting fires. Considered an epidemic among firefighters are emergency service vehicle crashes. For Fleetistics, it was a little different than working with Fleet Managers and Dispatchers, but the same principles apply.

Risk Management

Risk Management Study Published

The published results of the study are now available online. Certainly, this information represents great value to fleets of all types and sizes. The telematics devices provided insight into driving behaviors, speed, G-forces, seatbelt usage, use of lights and sirens, and various other metrics.

Implementing formal risk management procedures to reduce workplace injury is feasible and beneficial in any fleet. This study offers insight on the process of evaluating and managing risk. Even more, any fleet can apply these methods scaled to fit their company needs.

Using Proactive Risk Management

In order to factor different driving situations, the project team selected 3 fire departments to represent urban, suburban, and rural operations. Then, using a proactive risk management process, key concerns were identified. As a result, new policies and procedures were implemented, and enhanced training was introduced. The end goal was to lower risk to the emergency responders. Finally, each department tailored its policies and training based on their individual findings.

Risk Management Hazard Matrix

Within Your Reach

The process used is similar to the steps taken in our Solution Evaluation Process. While the purpose of the SEP is much different, and the time frame much shorter, the same risk management principals are in play.

Geotab is a leading provider of telematics. The system delivers risk management data that is simple to understand. Reports include graphs for quick assimilation of information. Risk factors are exposed using custom exception rules that are easily created. Presenting big data in a highly consumable format is one of the things the Geotab solution does best. With accurate, actionable telematics data, the application of Risk Management best practices is within the reach of any size fleet.

Fleet Tracking and Telematics
Fleet Management
Fleet Management Dashboards
Mobile Tracking Apps
Mobile Tracking
Fleet Safety