The ELD Mandate Can Improve Your Business

FMCSAs ELD Mandate provides an outstanding opportunity to simplify and streamline your handwritten recording process. Fleetistics electronic log systems automate the process. This reduces the time required to compile and maintain driver records. Automation means savings for your company. Let us take a look at the benefits of the Fleetistics ELD/eLog/Hours of Service system:

ELD Mandate

Benefit #1 Elimination of handwritten log books.

Fleetistics electronic log system replaces the handwritten log book with an easy-to-use mobile app run on an Android tablet or iOS iPad. Gone are the days of trying to decipher illegible log entries.

Benefit #2 Simplified roadside compliance reporting.

When roadside log inspection is required, drivers simply click a button to instantly display a fully compliant report. As changes occur to reporting requirements, our system incorporates those changes.

Benefit #3 Real-time status for dispatchers.

Dispatchers and other office-based personnel can obtain a drivers current status instantly.

HOS Compliance

Benefit #4 Digital verification of logs.

Never again will it be necessary to chase down a driver to obtain a signature to verify a log entry. Digital verification is provided through the tablet app.

The FMSCA ELD Mandate provides the perfect opportunity to automate the process of maintaining driver log information. Our system also automates compliance with the ELD rules. As changes occur to recordkeeping requirements, our system incorporates the changes to provide users with automatic compliance.

For a live demonstration of the Fleetistics ELD/eLog/Hours of Service system, contact your account manager today.

Geotab HOS Graph
electronic driving log
Fleet Tracking and Telematics
Fleet Management
Fleet Management Dashboards
Mobile Tracking Apps
Mobile Tracking
Fleet Safety