What is the best GPS tracker for equipment?

There is no one best GPS tracker for equipment. Understanding the right questions to ask is actually your top priority.

  1. What kind of equipment is it?
  2. How frequently do you need updates?
  3. What cellular networks or other transmission methods are available where the equipment is being used?
  4. Do you need to monitor just location, or do you also need to remotely capture engine hours, PTO usage, fuel usage, etc.

It all comes down to return on investment.

  • Is the cost going to be offset by the benefit your receive?
  • Will you get the data you need to resolve an operational issue you face?

Your Fleetistics Telematics Advisor can help you answer the critical questions, and show you a variety of hardware and applications to address your specific needs. Why not get in touch today?

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10 Great Tips for Selecting an Asset Tracker

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What is the best GPS tracker for equipment?
Live GPS tracking

GPS Tracking

A complete line of GPS Tracking devices for trucks, cars, equipment and assets.

Learn More about GPS Tracking

Dashcam Service for Fleets


Power dashcam video solutions ranging from affordable insurance cameras, to AI driven advanced fleet safety systems. Options for 1 to 5 cameras.

Learn More about Dashcams

Geotab Rosco Dashcam Integration

Fleet Management

A robust eco-system for advanced fleet management requirements with over 200 3rd party integrations. Options for ELD, IFTA, DVIR, DTCs, towing, APIs, routing, and more.

Learn More about Fleet Management

Lone Worker safety device

Mobile App tracking

Multiple mobile app solutions including app tracking, lone worker, DVIR, messaging, SOS, waypoints, off-road trips, and accident reporting.

Learn More about Mobile Apps