CrewChief Fleet Dashcams

Flexible Plans for Different Needs
Give us a Call

Industry First – CrewChief Pay As You Go Plan

The CrewChief fleet dashcam is a capable, but affordable, fleet quality dashcam. Fleetistics has reinvented how fleet dashcam services work by offering a variety of service plans for a single platform.

  1. Only need video when there is an issue – Insurance Plan
  2. Spot check – Pay as You Go Plan
  3. Base Plan – 500 MB monthly
  4. Pro Plan – 1 G monthly.
  5. Pro+ Plan – 1 G monthly + GPS in Dashcam
  6. CrewChief + OBD GPS Tracker + Wi-Fi Enabled


Switch Plans

If you find you need a different plan, no problem, you can switch plans once at no cost. Start on a higher plan for 90-days and then drop to our pay as you go plan or an insurance plan to save big money monthly once safety and accidents are under control. Limits apply, so call for details.

$14.95/mo + Data Used

Special Order Options

  • Exterior only facing cameras
  • Audio recording on/off
  • DMS & ADAS
  • Features may require a specific service plan
Fleet dashcam service

Get More Info

Complete the form below or call 855.300.0527

Capable & Affordable

  • Protect against false claims
  • Go “Live”
  • Satisfy your insurance company
  • Choose a plan for a tight budget
  • Spot check driver activity
  • Download video for storage
  • Document specific incidents
  • Identify persons damaging or tampering with vehicles
  • Assist in accident reconstruction (keep insurance down)
  • Bundle with GPS tracking and extend savings – Ask about a bundle discount
  • No need for automated alerts and fancy features not used after the first 3 months
CrewChief pay as you go plan

“Live” & Recorded Views

Dashcam Service for Fleets
In cab driver view of fleet dashcam
Dashcam Reports Dashboard
Front dashcam view

Some features are only available with some service plans.

Bundle with GPS Tracking & Telematics

Fleetistics ONE

Bundle and get a $0 Fleetistics ONE OBD GPS tracking system and get an upgraded UI, map indicators and mobile app viewing. You will also get a reduced monthly service fee.


Bundle with the Geotab OBD GPS tracker and receive 50% off the GPS tracker.


FONE Dashcam UI
Geotab tracking map