Gasoline Prices Continue to Fluctuate

This view is supported by the U.S. Energy Information Administration and other authorities on the subject. Thankfully,  no one is projecting the extreme prices we had from 2008 to 2014, but they are definitely going to continue to fluctuate, and who knows if we will ever get back to the pre-pandemic lows.

higher gasoline prices

Back to Fuel Savings Basics

In 2020, with gasoline prices as low as we have seen since 2004, and so many other concerns about keeping employees safe during the pandemic at the forefront, reducing fuel spend was just not our focus. Post pandemic that dynamic changed quickly, and in 2024 we will need to get back to basics when it comes to keeping an eye out for fuel waste.

Many consumer sites like AAA offer tips for consumers on how to save fuel. Back in 2007 when gasoline prices spiked over $3.00 per gallon, published a great list of 20 ways for fleets to save fuel. Below is their list with some brief explanations.

20 Ways to Save Fuel

  1. Avoid Excess Idling – you get 0 mpg at idle.
  2. Get a Fleet Fuel Card – control what drivers can buy, monitor for fuel theft, and identify top spenders for further review.
  3. Clean Out the Truck and Eliminate Unnecessary Weight – less weight improves mpg.
  4. Keep Tires Inflated to the Correct Pressure – underinflated tires reduce mpg.
  5. Use Cruise Control During Highway Driving – fewer changes in speed increase mpg.
  6. Don’t Buy Premium Fuel unless the vehicle requires it.
  7. Drive the Posted Speed Limit – speeding reduces mpg.
  8. Monitor Preventive Maintenance Schedules – basics like air filters and oil viscosity affect mpg.
  9. Make Drivers Energy Conscious – help them to be more efficient drivers.
  10. Use A/C Sparingly – using A/C only when needed and vents when it is cooler outside saves fuel.
  11. Park in the Shade – keeps interior cooler and prevents fuel evaporation.
  12. Encourage Carpooling when possible.
  13. Make Your Vehicle More Aerodynamic – avoid anything that creates wind drag.
  14. Purchase Fuel-Efficient Vehicles.
  15. Anticipate Traffic Flow – accelerate and decelerate smoothly.
  16. Avoid Aggressive Driving.
  17. Avoid Uphill Speed Increases.
  18. Check the Web for the Best Fuel Deals – check out
  19. Fill Up in Mild Weather – get more fuel density for your dollars at cooler times rather than the heat of the day.
  20. Use a wholesale club or grocery store – Costco, Sam’s Club or BJ’s.

Keep fuel savings on everone’s mind

The bottom line is it is time to get back to a fuel savings mindset. Fleet management technology is designed to give you the insight you need into your fuel spend and much, much more. Contact Fleetistics for more ideas on increasing visibility and lowering overall fleet costs.

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