Safety first with Free Safety Apps

At Fleetistics, we always tell our customers that our goal is for Every driver to come home safely every day. As a business we are primarily focused on fleet vehicles, however safety should be a priority in our everyday lives as well. There are many free safety apps available, both crowd sourced and commercially sponsored. We selected three to test and review for our readers.

Free Safety Apps

SaferCar Free Safety App for Vehicle Recalls

Did you know? one in four vehicles on the road has an unrepaired recall? That is a huge safety risk. If one of your vehicles has a recall, would you like to know exactly what it is and what the next steps are? The SaferCar App keeps consumers aware of the latest information about recalls which is a top priority for the National Highway, Transportation and Safety Administration, NHTSA.

After you download the SaferCar free safety app, you have the ability to set up your virtual garage. You can add as many vehicles as you like as well as related equipment like tires, trailers and car seats. Once the information is entered you can enable notification for all related recalls. It will even point you to local dealerships handling vehicle repairs so you can make the necessary appointments and get it fixed for free.

NHTSAs mission is focused on consumer safety, but they are also determined to protect your privacy. There are no sales gimmicks, and your information remains completely private. The SaferCar app not only keeps you safe, it is also secure. After testing this app we would recommend it to all consumers.

SaferCar free safety app
safer car QR codes

Recall Alert & Safety News Notification

Our next featured free safety app is Recall Alert and Safety News Notifications. If you want to know about every product recall everywhere on earth this is a great app. It is not necessarily the right app if you are only interested in local recalls that affect you personally. If your profession requires that you stay on top of all kinds of product safety issues, this is the app to have, but an update alert on taco dip trays and platters at 3:00 am is a bit over the top for most of our interests.

The app allows for search by category like Toys, Furniture, Vehicles, and Medical. Ultimately, there is great value in consulting the app prior to purchasing items to verify there are no recalls. On the other hand, it delivers far too much information for the average busy person to consume. Without any settings to filter the alerts to specific areas of interest, we found it to be annoying. If only the alerts could be filtered effectively it would be a 5 star app.

Recall Alerts on Free Safety App
recall alert QR codes

PubSafe Community Safety Mobile App

PubSafe by Aftermath Data is a global community ready to help others. It allows users to give help, get help, and share information in real-time. It is the worlds only network for citizens by citizens. Furthermore it is available to governments and non-government relief and rescue organizations.

Simply put the PubSafe mobile app facilitates real-time information sharing with other users. Users in the area are alerted when a help or emergency is posted. Additionally, users can report the location of animals in need or rescue. If a flood is imminent and you need help moving horses, post a help request. The opportunity to help others is endless and PubSafe connects people effectively and efficiently with integrated maps.

Key App Features


  • Map information for situation awareness and rapid response
  • Enable neighbors to help each other
  • Every citizen is a source of information for the collective effort
  • Volunteer NGOs and SAR team rescues
  • Churches & non-profit targeted relief
  • Government 911 overflow and situational awarenessAnimal rescue groups


  • Share your last known location
  • Active shooter alert
  • Share updates on the situation in your area
  • Request help and give help to people and animals
  • Map and update shelters and NGO staging area
  • Post emergencies Rooftop flood rescue, active shooter
  • Share data for research to improve large scale response
  • Share video & images with first responders and animal rescue teams
  • Log volunteer hours for FEMA reimbursement
  • Citizen damage assessments

We highly recommend PubSafe by Aftermath Data and encourage you to install now to be ready when the unexpected occurs. Considering the massive winter storms we have experienced this season, another hurricane season right around the corner, and who knows what direction the COVID pandemic could turn, it just makes sense for citizens to be ready and able to work together to get help to those who need it.


PubSafe free safety app
PubSafe QR codes
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