Telematics Driver Scoring to Improve Safety
Telematics driver scoring is another tool to grade the performance of your field workers like you do with customer service, production, etc. Driver scoring uses Engine Diagnostics data to bring together two or more technologies to paint a picture of driving habits and behaviors.
These behaviors may be positive or negative depending on your company policies. Driver scoring (DS) uses traditional GPS tracking data to collect information on events such as speed, location, routes traveled, efficiency, stop duration, stop location, time with customer and miles driven.
These variables impact productivity, customer service, accident rates, maintenance, and many other areas. GPS data is the core and foundation of modern Engine Diagnostics.
By breaking down the telematics driver scoring as a number based on events per x miles driven, the driver that drove more miles is evaluated fairly against the drive that drove fewer miles. The numerical scores can be used to to incentivise drivers based on overall high score, most improved, or maintained for longest duration, whatever works best for the issues you need to address.
Telematics driver scoring is also a viable tool to create competion between drivers increasing morale and making the workplace more fun.
Engine Diagnostic solutions have evolved since the introduction of GPS vehicle tracking about ten years ago. Today Engine Diagnostics includes additional technology, such as engine data and accelerometers, which is combined with GPS tracking data to enhance the overall picture of vehicle operations or to provide key data unique and independent of GPS tracking data.
Engine data is derived from the vehicles engine control module (ECM). Depending on the make, model and year of the vehicle, the ECM will provide varying data on the vehicle’s performance. The older the vehicle, the less data is provided.
Newer vehicles have more sensors and more inputs to bring in data from the entire vehicle’s sensor and computer network called a controlled area network (CAN). The CAN may provide data on transmissions, brakes, safety systems, electrical systems, etc.
Telematics driver scoring takes data from all sources and develops a profile on the vehicle and/or driver. In our customizable driver scoring program, Fleetistics can work with you to understand how you value variables such as speeding, harsh braking, miles driven, etc. We then apply a multiplier specific to your value of a given factor that determines a subtotal for each line item.
We can then pick the top and bottom performers in each subtotal as well as an average to create a driver scorecard. Your company would then have a clear picture of which drivers are the top performers and deserve positive reinforcement. Conversely, you can quickly identify those that need training and those that are in such egregious violation that immediate termination may be required.