Fleetistics Fleet Management Services

Emergency Services 

Near Real-Time Location When Seconds Count

Unlock Efficiency, Control Costs, and Drive Success.
Emergency Services

Emergency Services & GPS Tracking

Knowing the location of emergency service assets and personnel enables better and quicker decision making. With the chaos found in the world today, understanding the staging of assets, which assets are available to respond and how long it might take to get there can save lives in a mass casualty or active shooter situation.

Law Enforcement GPS Tracking

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Fleet Maintenance


In life and death situations vehicles must be working and reliable. Understanding which vehicle has a bad battery, engine light or other maintenance issue before you experience unplanned downtime is critical.

Emergency Services Fire Rescue

Dispatching & GPS Tracking

Dispatching is changing. It is no longer about sending the vehicle that covers a territory but sending the closets vehicle based on the current position. GPS tracking technology provides dispatchers actionable intelligence to make good routine dispatching decisions. Dispatchers can now see the location of all emergency service vehicles, which enables them to decide how to respond to situations regardless of territory. For example, if someone is breaking into a home but the closest officer is 30 miles away, the proper course of action might be to flee the home.